Nesting: It's a Chick Thing Review

Nesting: It's a Chick Thing
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Nesting: It's a Chick Thing Review"A home is like a man, you ought to live with it for at least a year before deciding on anything permanent. And even then it's a big gamble." Katherine Anne Porter. This sort of helpful hint peppers this book by people you might recognize. Oprah Winfrey and Anna Quindlan have either helpful hints or articles.
"Nesting: It's A Chick Thing" by Ame Beanland and Emily Terry is a cute book. I received it as a gift. It is easy to read, great illustrations, and all of the chapters are well written. However, the book is too simplistic for me. It will not change my housekeeping, cooking or gardening habits. This book is meant for young women just starting their life as newly weds, or out of college with a new home or apartment. The idea is terrific and should be marketed to the younger generation. It is a fun read, and will answer any question you can think of on decorating, cooking or gardening. Great hints on "Painting like a Pro"; "Starting from Scratch". with an empty room; "Starter Tool Kit"; " How To Set a Table"; "How To Host a Poker Party" ( that is one chapter that I really learned from); "Ultimate Comfort Food Menu"; "What You Need In The Kitchen"; How To Roast Anything"; Cottage Gardens"; "How To Use A Hoe"; "How Royalty Pulls Weeds"; and the best of all," Kindergarten- How to garden with children".
Ame Beanland is an editor and art director and would rather garden than eat, she says. Emily Terry is a public relations specialist and loves imperfect homes. They are a duo combo who has written "Chick Thing: Celebrating the Wild Side of Female Friendship". A book for your young daughters starting their newly independent lives. prisrobNesting: It's a Chick Thing Overview

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