Love's Journey (Lex and Amanda) Review

Love's Journey (Lex and Amanda)
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Love's Journey (Lex and Amanda) ReviewLove's Journey is the third installment in Carr's series about Amanda and Lexie trying to make a life for themselves despite the interference of members of both of their families. First, it should be said that all of these books make pleasant reading and the characters do draw you into the story. The problem is that Carr's writing isn't showing any improvement. Her vocabulary is limited (How many times can you use the word beautiful on one page and in one story?) and her conversations are stilted. Too often there are mental asides that are supposed to reveal the characters' thoughts when better constructed dialog would do the same thing. When you consider all three books take place over a period of just a few months, you have to wonder how many times two women can be shot, poisoned, run off the road and nearly killed in several manners before people are afraid to be around them. Never fear, except for two crazy relatives, everyone else they know loves them completely, sees no wrong in anything they do (even when Lex is constantly losing her temper and roughing someone up) and totally supports them. Even Lex's father, who supposedly abandoned her years ago, turns up and it seems really loved her dearly all that time, he just didn't know how to show it. Uh, huh. Go back to the original point though. The book is still good reading and it's a good story, almost in spite of the characters.Love's Journey (Lex and Amanda) Overview

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