Healing the Enemy Review

Healing the Enemy
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Healing the Enemy ReviewThis is a book you won't want to put down. I read it after hearing the tail end of a radio interview of the author Larry Garrett. It is a fascinating story about one of the world's most feared and hated people, Uday Hussein, eldest son of Saddam Hussein. This is Larry's own account of what it was like curing him of his limp (caused by an assassination attempt) through hypnosis.
As strange as this may sound, you were able to see a side of Uday which was likable and charming...even gentle perhaps.
It was interesting to see how the author was so adept and careful in always saying the right things and knowing precisely when and when not to speak with and around his patient. That talent and good sense may have been a life saver. One inappropriate question could have proven to be deadly.
I loved how the book portrayed the Iraqi people. They were respectful and friendly at all times to Larry, much to his surprise. Why wouldn't they hate the American? The fact is revealed that the Iraqi people dislike our government, not our people. The book gives many examples of this throughout.
As if the reading wasn't intense enough, the story (all true) takes place just days before 9/11/01, and the author is stranded in Iraq.
When the book ended I had an almost mournful feeling. I had begun a very close relationship with so many characters in the book. I had a newly found respect for the Iraqi people. I felt that Larry Garrett was an ambassador for good on behalf of the American people.
The reason for feeling mournful is because I knew in that 2003 a trust was broken. Many of the books characters and many Iraqi civilians had perished, and life there and here would never be the same!Healing the Enemy Overview

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