How to Buy and Sell a Business: How You Can Win in the Business Quadrant (Rich Dad's Advisors) Review

How to Buy and Sell a Business: How You Can Win in the Business Quadrant (Rich Dad's Advisors)
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How to Buy and Sell a Business: How You Can Win in the Business Quadrant (Rich Dad's Advisors) ReviewThis books offers canned advice and can be summed up as:
1. Find a good accountant
2. Find a good lawyer
3. Find a good business broker.
The three people above are your 'team' and will carry you through the pitfalls of buying a business.
Oh yes - he also spends one chapter on why lawyers are 'deal killers.'
That's it - I saved you money. Three is no further detail, only a checklist. Nothing worth $19.
You should only two Kiyosaki books: Cash Flow Quadrant and the Investing Guide - all else is nonsense and filler - regurgitating what he already said in previous. From his advisor series, the only person who fills the books with valuable information is Diane Kennedy's Loophols and Real Estate Loopholes. All other advisor books are filler and junk.
How to Buy and Sell a Business: How You Can Win in the Business Quadrant (Rich Dad's Advisors) Overview

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