Garet Garrett's The People's Pottage: The Revolution Was, Ex America, The Rise of Empire Review

Garet Garrett's The People's Pottage: The Revolution Was, Ex America, The Rise of Empire
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Garet Garrett's The People's Pottage: The Revolution Was, Ex America, The Rise of Empire ReviewIn November, 1932 the American people, frustrated with the failure of the Hoover administration to lead the nation out of financial panic, elected the patrician Franklin Roosevelt as president. The FDR campaign platform called for balancing the federal budget by curtailing wasteful and excessive federal expenditures, encouraging private investment and job creation, and keeping the dollar stong. Immediately after FDR's landslide election, the national banking crisis worsened. Capital fled the U.S., via boatloads of gold headed overseas. Banks failed by the thousands. Millions were thus impoverished and ruined.
In the four months between election day of 1932 and his swearing-in in March of 1933, FDR refused all opportunities to cooperate with the outgoing President Hoover in dealing with the banking crisis. By the day FDR ascended to office, the Great Depression had reached a nadir of national despair.
Immediately upon entering the White House, FDR closed the banks, using a document that had been prepared months earlier by Hoover's Secretary of the Treasury. Soon thereafter, departing from the script left by Hoover, FDR called in the nation's gold. That is, FDR asked the American people to assist their government by lending it their gold for the duration of the crisis. Trusting citizens by the millions went to their banks and handed over gold coins and bullion, in return for which the U.S. government issued gold certificates that specifically promised to repay the bearer in an equal sum of the yellow metal. But by mid-1934, FDR had devalued the nation's currency by over 40% and repudiated the promise to return the gold to the people.
This tyrannical act of gold confiscation, and numerous other of FDR's imperial actions as president, form the subject of Garet Garrett's writing. Mr. Garrett views what happened to the U.S. under FDR's governance through a lens of revolutionary analysis. That is, FDR and his advisors were creatures of a socialist and collectivist mindset. They foisted, in essence, a socialist revolution upon the U.S. of the 1930's. But instead of a violent revolution leading to the overthrow of the existing ancien regime, similar to what occurred in Russia and other European nations, the FDR revolution hauled down the stars & stripes and in its place replaced it with ... the stars & stripes.
Without changing one word of the U.S. Constitution, FDR and his administration essentially re-wrote the document from the inside-out. FDR et al. overthrew the structures of government power that had prevailed in the U.S. since 1789, and replaced these structures with the origins of the modern U.S. welfare state. Tax-tax, borrow-borrow, spend-spend have been the hallmarks of federal governance since 1933.
If you subscribe to the thesis that the economic underpinnings of the U.S. welfare state are commencing to unravel, you should read up on Garet Garrett. If you believe that the U.S. dollar is dropping in value, and falling in a financial death-spiral as the nation inwardly liquidates after 70 years of living with FDR's legacy, then you should review what Garet Garrett had to say.
Garet Garrett is a lost master of social and economic analysis. But he was and remains a prophet of the long-term folly of FDR's Depression-era revolution.Garet Garrett's The People's Pottage: The Revolution Was, Ex America, The Rise of Empire Overview

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